Welcome back to my blog!
This is the beggining of our third and last register, and due to God's mercy my group was the first one in delivering the class to our students.
Group 1 | Daily Routine and Frecuency Adverbs.
We started our session by playing Charades with our students, we provided them a paper with differents activities that we usually do in our daily routines; they had a great time playing that game.
The rest of the class was boring to be honest, the energy was in the floor; I think we should have played some music and made our activities more dynamics.
I started presenting some vocabulary related to the daily routine and then I moved to the frecuency adverbs.
Then we started the activities related to our topics, one of them was bout completing sentences using the frecuency adverbs. After that we challenged them with an activity in which they had to write their daily routine using frequency adverbs.
We finished our session by giving students a paper with a color and then, with the help of a virtual roulette, we asked them about the topics that we covered during our session. That was all!
To be honest with you, the class felt so boring and the atmosphere was giving “low energy”; we must work on that in future sessions.
Group 2 | Maru's group.
They started their session by playing a memory drill game using vocabulary of the daily routine.
The main goal of this group was teaching vocabulary and they performed activities such as memory games, questions and answers; all of them related to their topic, The Present Perfect in Affirmative.
It was a beutifull session, way more entertaining than ours. #YNiModo
That was my short summary about the sessions developed by these two groups, I hope you liked it and stay tunned for my next entry.
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